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Sluts on vacation triple story

Throwaway for obvious reasons … Just come back from getaway where I’ve handled to get three remarkable voyeur experiences of a pair of young British women, Hannah and Lucy. Hannah is really slim, brunette and uses glasses, and Lucy is fairly chubby (in an...

Hot show

A few years ago I went to an AC/DC performance and had a fascinating experience – but not quite as fascinating as it might have been … So being and AC/DC show there was certainly a little bit of partying going on and the alcohol was flowing etc. Naturally...

Summer cabin

I used to stay in an old summer cabin with just me and my mom. The cabin was really old and and needing alot of renos. My bedroom with no door was next to the bathroom. My room was basically the laundry room with a small bed for just sleeping. The bathroom sink was...

Horny Next-door neighbor

I am Asian and used to reside in Beijing. Generally people in Beijing all reside in apartments which have from 6 to more than 20 stories. I remember it was in the summertime in 2018, I came across seeing a 20’s lady being in the sofa at her living-room with just...

Hotel Security Confessions 2

As guaranteed another among my stories … I plan to beginning each one of these with this since each one is story in and of itself. I worked as Director of Security for 2 years at a hotel. It was my job to be in the shadows and locations individuals usually...

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